Efficiency Partners Aims for Continuous Improvement

EP Provides Proactive Technical Support to Keep Systems Up-To-Date and Growing

The music doesn't stop when Efficiency Partners completes a new Crescendo system implementation for a customer.  Sadly, for some companies, implementing an information system is like buying a car:  Just as the car is never better than the day you drive it off the lot, these systems gradually fade into obsolescence commencing immediately after the go-live date.  Chances are the company will be back making the same huge investment a few years down the road, or worse, the company might drag the obsolete system around like a ball and chain for years, hampering its effectiveness, profitability and growth potential.

For Efficiency Partners' customers, on the other hand, implementing an information system is like planting a fruit tree:  With proper soil, care, watering and pruning, each year it adds a growth ring and becomes stronger and more fruitful, becoming a permanent  and productive part of the fabric of the enterprise. Jackie Maher relied on the Crescendo software for nearly fifteen years as CFO of Active Industries and describes the Crescendo system as her "best employee".

The following diagram illustrates Efficiency Partners' method for keeping its customers' systems at the center of a growing and profitable enterprise:


© Zumasys, Formerly Efficiency Partners • 279 Troy Road, Suite 9, Unit 305, Rensselaer, NY 12144 • Phone (518) 874-0616